Presec Boys Emerge Winners of Shark Quiz 2024


The shark quiz, an intense and exciting academic competition which is produced by Africa School Online and endorsed by the Ministry of Education was held this year. The quiz was held between thirty-two

(32) senior high school and of which Presbyterian Boys emerged winners with One hundred and Ninety

(190) scores against ST. Peters Senior High School with One hundred and forty (140) scores. The Presec Boys has taken the first place three times during the journey. They won in season 3, season 6 and now, season 7.

The Shark quiz has been in existence since 2017. The Sharks has two level of students that can partake and they are Junior High and Senior High between grade 7-9 and 10-12 respectfully. The quiz tests students around Literacy, Numeracy, Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) and social Literacy. To be able to be part of the competition, one needs to be part of the school they are representing, the school is required to register student per level.

Presec Boys' consistent success in the shark quiz highlights their academic prowess and dedication to excellence. Their triumph in season 7 adds to their impressive track record of victories in the competition. The shark quiz not only tests students on various subjects but also fosters a spirit of healthy competition and intellectual growth among participants. Congratulations to Presec Boys on their remarkable achievement.


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